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About IAM

The Institute of Asset Management (the IAM) is the international professional body for asset management professionals. Established in 1994, the IAM currently has over 2000 individual and 300 corporate members and a network of over 46,000 people globally. We exist to advance the discipline of asset management, not only for people and organizations involved in the acquisition, operation, and care of physical assets but also for the benefit of the general public. 

About IAM

The IAM offers memberships to individuals, corporate organisations, academic institutions, not for profit bodies as well as government entities around the globe. The IAM membership allows it's members to connect with other asset management professionals and organisations, develop asset management capabilities, expand knowledge and gain recognition from peers in the industry. 

About memberships

Since the launch of IAM Diploma and IAM Certificate qualifications in 2013, there has been a consistent growth in the number of candidates appearing for the qualifications with over 12,000+ people having qualified the IAM exams across 70+ countries. The IAM appoints Endorsed Training Providers (ETPs) globally who deliver relevant training through knowledgeable instructors.

IAM Qualifications

IAM maintains a register of qualified Asset Management Professionals (AMP) aiming to standardise the recognition of asset management expertise globally. IAM also helps it's members get certified through various initiatives such as Edwards Bursary or NxtGen which are particulary targeted at young professionals and endorsed trainers, mentoring resources and professional development workshops tareted towards its more experienced members. 

Professional development

The IAM develops the Asset Management discipline and knowledge base, with wider societal objectives to spread good practice and awareness. The IAM Discussion Forum enables members and non-members to engage on discussion topics that are of interest to the global asset management community.  IAM also publises many important intorductory documents like The Anatomy, The Big Picture and advanced documents like the Subject Specific Guidelines (SSGs). 

IAM Knowledge

Chapters are organised groups of IAM members from one or more countries. They provide a structure for people to come together to learn, share and network where they are and service as the immediate interface for members to engage with the Institute. Branches exist within Chapters for members to come together on a more local scale within a Chapter, for regional events and networking relevant to the local area. 

Chapters and Branches



IAM shares vaious news and articles relateted to asset management with IAM News. 


Learn more about various IAM events happening around the globe. 


IAM shop offers various paid publications and other resources. 


IAM maintains various directories of its corporate members, endorsed trainers and assessors. 


Joining our community will enable you to succeed - become a member today!